What Can You Do When a Valuable Employee Gives Notice
What can you do when a valuable employee gives notice? The great resignation has affected businesses large and small. We've heard from...

What Should You Look for in an Employment Candidate?
What should you look for in an employment candidate? Is it a skill set, experience, or attitude? Yes, it is and more. Here are some of...

The Other Right
As far back as I can remember, I’ve been directionally challenged. As a young boy, I would write in the air with my right hand to...

Recruiting Is Not a Nuisance
The most important commodity for any organization is its people. It starts with recruiting the best team through best practices. Very few...

Why Use Recruitment? And Why Only One Firm ...
Well, first off ... not all recruiters are the same. Some recruiters work independently, while some work for large firms. Some recruiters...

How to Discuss Money in an Employment Interview
You're interviewing for a position, or you're the interviewer, regardless, the elephant in the room is money. Granted, it shouldn't be,...

Should You Role-Play a Job Interview?
While zooming with several friends last week, the subject of job interview preparation came up. I had helped two of the people in the...

Why use a RECRUITER?
Well, first off ... not all recruiters are the same. Some recruiters work independently, while some work for large firms. Some recruiters...

Why Hiring for Character is Critical
I've sat in my pulpit, holding forth on hiring for character over skills. I've harangued the destructiveness to an organization of...

3 Tips to Make Working from Home — Work for You
Are you working from home? Have you worked from home previously, or is this something new for you?