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A Few Quick Tips for Fun Giving

As we look forward to large tables stacked high with turkey and all the dressings, many of us reflect on what it means to give thanks. For many, this involves showing your gratitude with a gift of thanks. But around the holidays, you might notice the stacks of discarded gifts piling up. Try out these tips and you won't see your gift topping off the pile.

Add a little flair to your gift and stand out from the crowd by considering the following when preparing a gift.


As a parent, one of the things I am constantly requesting around the holidays for my children is consumables. Most children have more than they need and it's just a game of creative storage when another gift comes through the door. The same can be said for adults. Unless you know of something that is specifically requested, adults often buy themselves things they want or need. Rather than adding to the clutter, why not try a consumable? Here are a couple of fun ideas:

  • Cocktail kit: If your recipient likes to imbibe on occasion, consider creating a cocktail kit. Select a drink that you think might appeal and put together all of the ingredients for concocting your cocktail. Wrap it in a bow and you're all set!

  • Local goodies: Hit up a local winter farmer's market or craft fair and select some local flavor for a goodie basket, all while supporting local businesses.

  • Think warm thoughts...and drinks: With chilly temperatures descending on us more and more each day, go for a fancy hot chocolate or local coffee selection and warm up someone's day.

  • Experiences: As social beings, we love experiences. Try a restaurant gift certificate or select an option that provides your recipient with an experience, instead of more stuff.


The best way to show that you have truly put thought into a gift is to personalize it and make it special for an individual. Choose an item that suits your recipient's interests, passions, or name.

  • Personalized socks: Okay, these deserve their own category. Who doesn't love a cozy new pair of socks? Now, you can buy awesomely bespoke socks, even going so far as to customize a pair with a special face.

  • A gift basket filled with local flavor: Gift baskets seem like old news, but they offer a great way to customize a gift. If you are gifting to someone in a different region, show your local flair by gathering all the local goodies for them to experience.

  • A donation made in someone's name: Another way to show you care without overloading people with stuff is to make a charitable donation to a beloved cause in that person's name. It's tough to go wrong with this one.

  • Handmade: We tend to emphasize this with children, but it can be appropriate and appreciated from an adult standpoint as well. When my husband traveled on the road a lot, I made him a handmade travel kit for the car so he was never without needed supplies and he loved it!


I've never been one to worry a ton about packaging, but some of the most memorable gifts given to me were cleverly packaged. Add a little creativity to the presentation and you can easily turn your gift into a memorable experience.

And from the We-Are-Recruiter's Team, have a happy holiday!

Ashley works in the mystical world of digital marketing. A true lover of the written word, she whiles away her time writing, editing, reading, and helping small businesses with their marketing needs. Believing herself to be a seeker of discomfort, she is always on the lookout for her next adventure. Check her out at

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