Using Your Talents For Good

A friend of mine who is a chef posted a lovely story on Facebook last night that made me smile. He said he was in the grocery store picking up some odds and ends (as much as he could since the stores have been so picked over lately) and overheard a woman who was upset in the aisle next to him. He said he walked over, while keeping a safe distance, and asked if he could help. She mentioned that she couldn't find any ingredients to put together a meal that she could make. While still keeping a safe distance he offered to walk around the store and help her come up with some recipes with what was left on the shelves. She looked at him in surprise he said and while still sobbing (now tears of joy) she followed him. He took her up and down the aisles and explained to her that his passion was cooking and this was also a fun activity for him that allowed him to be creative during these hard times. He came up with a few options for her and she was beyond words! She thanked him and went to check out while he continued his shopping. He mentioned it only took him about 10 minutes to do this but it was worth every second.
After telling this wonderful story he then went on to offer the same type of help to his Facebook friends and family and even offered to have his post shared so he can help those he doesn't know as well! What a kind soul!
This right here is what we should be doing right now ... helping others!
So, during this time, what are you doing to help? Let's keep this wonderful chain of events going!
P.S. Unfortunately right now I know some people are being laid off due to the COVID-19 issues we are facing. If you are one of those people and need your resume polished up please reach out! We'd be happy to help during our downtime!
Send them to if you need any assistance! We will provide this service for no charge to help those of you out that need it most!